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  • Simply Neck-Perfect: Prevent neck injury with the Traveller Neck Pillow

Are you suffering from neck injury? Then, you need a comfortable support for your cervical area that only the Traveller Neck Pillow can offer at maximum.

Neck injury is physical condition that affects the cervical area, comprised by the nerves, tendons, muscles and ligaments of neck and upper spinal cord produced by falls, car accidents, sports injuries and neck strain, that present symptoms as: neck pain, headaches, back pain, neck swelling, neck inflammation, neck lump, altered skin sensation and pain when moving the neck.

Neck injury can be of two types: whiplash and neck break. The first one is brought out by a car accident and is commonly known by the names: neck strain and neck sprain. Neck damage is produced by hurried extension or flexion. The second one is the fracture of a neck bone, if there is injury on the spinal cord, it can result on serious conditions as partial paralysis, asphyxia, quadriplegia en even death.

Neck injury can heal thoroughly by itself or with little treatment; however, if your condition is severe, it follows a treatment based on heat therapy to relieve muscle tension and pain, the intake of analgesics and anti- inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and physical therapy. When it comes to bone injuries, bracing or surgery may be required.  

Nevertheless, at home the neck injury sufferers have to cope with pain and disrupted sleep. For this, Deluxe Comfort has developed the Traveller Neck Pillow that has a special design to support your head, neck, chin and shoulders and keep them properly aligned to avoid any rough movement or misalignment that may produce a re-injury.

Other neck pillows can not suit everyone, but the Traveller Neck Pillow contour travel pillow does. It is exactly what neck injury suffers require as it is filled with pure memory foam, which equally disseminates comfort and support throughout its circular contours, that suitably accommodate to the shape of your cervical area, a unique feature only a premium quality material like memory foam can offer. That is the reason why we recommend you to take a travel pillow with you. If you want to be comfortable during your travel, get this excellent product by clicking on Traveller Neck Pillow.