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  • Why you should take a little naptime

Do you love taking a cat nap in the afternoon? Some people just can not live without taking a siesta everyday, especially one or two hours after lunchtime.

There are three main types of naps:
-    Planned naps: Nap before getting sleepy.
-    Emergency naps: When you are falling of sleep.
-    Habitual naps: Fixed-hour naps you take everyday.

Taking a nap is usually related to older people who have different sleep habits than younger people, especially because their sleep patterns suffer some changes that do not allow them to rest seven to eight hours straight. So in order, to catch up on lost sleep time, they take many short naps or just a long one, generally in the afternoon.

However, despite of this prejudice, taking a nap is highly recommended for people who suffer from sleep deprivation, especially those who have a hectic lifestyle. For instance, it is starting to gain relevance in professional sports training due to the beneficial effects it has on the performance of athletes.

It is proven that lack of sleep entails a series of problems to your health, which affect your physical and mental performance in your daily activities in these ways:

-    You can not think clearly.
-    You get tired easily.
-    Delayed hearing.
-    Delayed sight.
-    Lack of coordination and delayed reaction.
-    Decrease of cardiovascular performance.
-    Irritability.

These are among the most visible and short-term consequences of lack of sleep we can experience no matter we age we are, though, in a long-term basis these can lead to more severe conditions as sleep disorders and physical problems.

For pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, taking short daytime naps can help them fight sleep deprivation caused by the normal wakes they have to stand at night time for the fetus movements and the baby?s claims respectively.

Fortunately, it is increasing the number of companies that are more open now for their employees to take daytime naps and have set up nap rooms to allow them refuel energies and increase their productivity.

So how long would take a good nap? A ten minute nap can be more helpful than one of more than 30 minutes because this will take you to a deeper sleep phase of which you will be difficult wake up from and will make it hard for you catch sleep at night.

If drowsiness is attacking you during the day, try as much as possible to stay active doing a physical activity, so you can catch sleep faster at bedtime instead of shifting your bedtime schedule.

As you can see, taking a nap is not synonym of laziness or weakness; it is a matter of health concern to help your body recover from sleep deprivation and the mental and physical weakening of the daily grind. You should try using Neck Travel Pillow, a very comfy pillow that allows you to sleep everywhere. If you are interested in this excellent product, just click on pillow for naps.