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Handmade Wool/ Viscose Modern Multy 5' x 8' CH-2162-A Area Rug

$ 382.87

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Imagine a rug that doubles as a work of art; or, even better, as a fun and functional work of art. That description certainly fits the Handmade Wool/ Viscose Modern Multy 5' x 8' CH-2162-A Area Rug from Deluxe Comfort. These decorative rugs shine in their vivid artist’s palette of vibrant colors and artsy designs. It’s a blue rug. It’s a gold rug. It’s a red rug. It’s a purple rug. It’s a cream rug. These richly patterned rugs glow in their classic floral inspired designs and their ebullient hues, imbuing any living area with just a splash of dramatic splendor. Rarely do designer rugs online also qualify as exquisite hand woven rugs; yet this is certainly the case with these authentic accent rugs, which were created much in the manner of the traditional hand knotted wool rug. That’s right; this slick contemporary carpet was culled from the timeless and ever dependable fabrics of wool and viscose, and also sports cotton/natural latex backing. These delightful home rugs are—appropriately enough—perfect for each and every room of the home. Depending on your individual needs, these natural fiber rugs could morph into modern rugs for living room, modern kitchen rugs, modern hall runners, modern bedroom rugs, fireplace rugs, etc. These lovely and versatile area floor rugs will-appropriately enough-suit any floor of the house; sure to impress guests and family members alike. This elegant high pile rug must—as expected—be handled with care, and comes complete with detailed care instructions. Professional cleaning is recommended for these stylish rugs, which should not be exposed to prolonged moisture or harsh chemicals. Vacuum these high design rugs regularly and/or shake them to obliterate dust and particles, and blot any spills immediately with an ivory cloth. Deluxe Comfort’s Handmade Wool/ Viscose Modern Multy 5' x 8' CH-2162-A Area Rug is an example of functional and highly usable square rugs that also could be framed and hung with pride on the wall of a museum. These are some arty area rugs!
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Additional Information
Weight 33.0000
MPN CH-2162
UPC 885535087623
Brand Deluxe Comfort
Lead Time to Ship 5
Material Wool
Shipping Weight 13.00 lb
Rugs Types Modern
Rugs Styles Modern
Rugs Weaves Hand Woven
Rugs Piles Wool & Polyester
Rugs Hide Persian