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Handmade Wool Modern Silver/ Gray 5' x 8' CH-2132-A Area Rug

$ 382.87

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Imagine laying a pure silver/grey rug across the surface of your living space, then gracing its surface with a lush and beautiful artistic image; one emblazoned with angular swirling shapes that shine in their sharp geometric perfection. This doesn’t sound like your typical gray area rug, does it? And rest assured, there is nothing typical about Deluxe Comfort’s Handmade Wool Modern Silver/Gray 5' x 8' CH-2132-A Area Rug. This is artwork cleverly disguised as large modern area rugs, sure to earn raves from friends and family members alike. They will marvel at the sight of a pristine modern grey rug emblazoned and enlivened with a silvery spectrum of swirled shapes. Beyond its obvious beauty, these contemporary wool rugs (also featuring backing of cotton and natural latex) are renowned for their strength, durability, and top tier quality. These are hand knotted rugs made individually and with great care, by weavers who shine as experts at their time-honored craft. Unlike many rugs online, these woven rugs are created by hand to ensure their overall excellence. As expected, these exceptional throw rugs must be cleaned and handled with the greatest care. Install rug pads and protectors, and enlist the services of a professional cleaner in caring for these crafted square rugs, while also vacuuming regularly and shaking to remove dust. Blot any spills immediately with an ivory cloth and avoid any sort of prolonged moisture or contact with harsh chemicals. These fashionable modern area rugs are perfect for any room of the home, and can morph as needed into hallway runners, kids rugs for youth-themed rooms, bedroom rugs, entry rugs, office rugs, area rugs for living room, dining room rugs, foyer rugs, etc. Sometimes fine artwork is found on the floor of one’s home, as opposed to the walls. And this is certainly the case with Deluxe Comfort’s Handmade Wool Modern Silver/Gray 5' x 8' CH-2132-A Area Rug. Sometimes, it is perfectly acceptable to walk all over a masterpiece!
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Additional Information
Weight 33.0000
MPN CH-2132
UPC 885535087579
Brand Deluxe Comfort
Lead Time to Ship 5
Material Wool
Shipping Weight 13.00 lb
Rugs Types Modern
Rugs Styles Modern
Rugs Weaves Hand Woven
Rugs Piles Wool
Rugs Hide Traditional