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  • How Drivers with pacemaker can now drive comfy and safe

Drivers who have gone the implantation of a pacemaker have to put special care while driving, since the seat belt can irritate the skin of shoulder and chest, and exert too much force on these areas.

Although, a pacemaker is implanted in the collar bone, which is supposed not to cause any harm to the person when wearing a seat belt, still this is a delicate area, particularly if your implantation surgery has been done recently.

For this, placing a pad behind the shoulder seat belt strap will keep the scar guarded from any skin irritation and car bumps.

Car bumps produce a compression that generates vibrations that lead to the display of wrong reading by the pacemaker. Unlike other seat belt shoulder pads, the Car Belt Cushion, thanks to its special filling of memory foam, can absorb the shock, putting an effective blocking barrier between you and the seat belt.

In addition to this, putting a pad on the shoulder belt increases the seat belt?s safety against any possible car injury or accident.

Car Belt Cushion is a dual purpose seat belt shoulder pad that can be worn on both, the shoulder belt and the lap belt, it is easy to place and remove. The memory foam fill can mould to the contour of your belly as well to the contour of your shoulder and chest, recovering its original shape after you unfasten the seat belt.

Other uses

Likewise, the Car Belt Cushion offers protection and comfort for drivers with:

-    Heart disease
-    Bypass surgery
-    Defibrillators
-    Chemotherapy ports

Now you can drive safely and comfy! Just click on Car Belt Cushion to see how this product can help you drive comfortly