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  • Got the blues? Spice up your nights with the BBP by your side

When winter comes people start suffering from a mood twist, something doctors called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and what we commonly know as winter blues. It is a mood disorder triggered by the diminishing of light during winter months that affect the pineal gland, responsible of the production of melatonin, a substance seemingly responsible for sexual development, metabolism, hibernation, and has some effects on sleep patterns.
But let?s face, when having winter blues there is more than just an increase in secretion. It is a psychological and spiritual experience that makes you feel deeply uncomfortable with yourself and anything that surrounds you, no matter your gender, age or social condition, every winter and even beyond this season. However, women are four times more affected by this condition than men, especially in the ones who live in high latitudes and cloudy areas. 

You can identify the symptoms of winter blues when you feel an increasing lethargy, you crave for chocolates and sodas, you find it hard to wake up in the morning, you can not concentrate as well as during summer, you blame yourself for anything that goes wrong and you can not do and enjoy things as much as you used to.

So, what can you do to overcome the depressing winter blues? According to studies, winter blues sufferers can find relief with the use of light boxes from 30 minutes to two hours every day.

The regular practice of exercise increases the levels of serotonin resulting in depression reduction. Doing exercise outdoors, even with a cloudy sky, has the same benefits of indoors light treatment.   

As we have said, you will feel hungry for food rich on carbohydrates. But instead, of eating junk food, you can increase your intake of carbohydrate with more nutritive foods as fruits, rice and pasta.

As for sleeping, try to set a determine bedtime that allows you to wake up in the morning at a time when you can enjoy sunlight. Oversleep and sleep-wake fluctuation contributes to increase the levels of melatonin, responsible of the winter blues depression.

Besides depression and other ailments, winter blues also comes accompanied by other mood problems like loneliness and nostalgia in women who live alone or whose mates are away during winter time. Women, who feel struck by these, can find in the Boyfriend Body Pillow a very pleasing and cozy bedtime companion that will watch their sleep all night long until the first rays of morning light show up. If you\'d like to see more about this product, just click on BBP.