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  • A New Way to Protect Your Skin and Relieve Acne

Acne, common skin disease common among teenagers, as part of their physical and hormonal development that supposedly goes away when one is pushing the early twenties.

Causes of Acne

That has not been very well-defined, yet; though, there have been appointed different factors as hormonal changes, stress, sebaceous glands hyperactivity, skin allergy, certain medication, etc.

Due to the absence of a definite cause or causes, there have merged a series of  myths around acne that have promoted series of promising cures to acne, that not necessarily work for everybody.

Adult acne is particularly nagging and embarrassing. We all expect teens have pimples and zits, but not people in base 3 or 4. Though, many adults still have not been able to overcome the nuisance of their teenage years.

How to relieve Acne

For people with acne hygiene is paramount. Any dermatological treatment, natural, medicinal or surgical you may be following demands so. This personal care involves not only your face, which is first, but also your clothing, and anything that is in touch with your skin, as your bedding clothes and accessories.

When you sleep, what is in contact with your skin the most? Your pillow case, for sure. Hardly, anyone sleeps without one. And if you have acne or any skin disorder, you need it most.

It is among the \"myths\" behind acne that lack of hygiene might cause acne, but whether it really is or not, the aim of appropriate cleaning is keeping bacteria away from pores to prevent their infection.

Hygiene, the key to get rid of acne

Changing the cover of your bed pillow with frequency allows eliminating the shreds of hair, skin, dandruff, dead skin cells, micro allergens and face grease that infect your skin and bolster the appearance of more pimples and blackheads.

As you may know, our sebaceous glands produce oil every day, but also our hair has natural grease, and if we add to this the chemical products that we apply over it as well as on our faces, we have a very sticky problem on top.

Pillow covers soak up the oils of your face and hair; thereby, contaminating your pimples, especially if they are opened, which get much worse by the pressure you put on your face when lying down on your side or stomach.

This damaging contact produces skin irritation that promotes sebaceous glands to produce more grease; and therefore, more acne outbreaks.

A broken pimple means an open door to bacteria, dirt, skin cells, and more face oil that can form a much bigger and severe pimple. Much more if your pillow sham tends to build them up: A continuous re-infection.

It is like a vicious circle: Every single night, with a dirty pillow cover or one that stores debris your skin gets re-infected, thus you can not get rid of acne so easily. 
Rough materials harm your complexion, rub it and can burst pimples and cysts as you exchange of sleeping positions.

It is important you keep your hair away as possible from your face, removing makeup thoroughly before going to bed and wash your face with a neutral soap or apply any product you may have. Likewise, you should maintain your pillow case and bed sheets clean, washing them regularly.

The Sleepersack for the Contour Pillow can help you deal with your acne and skin problems thanks to the softness and hypoallergenic properties of this fiberfill dust mite pillow cover.

The Sleepersack  is a hypoallergenic pillow cover, gentle with your complexion and does not accumulate wastes, dirt and allergens as common pillow cases, made of harsh and non-hypoallergenic materials than can not block the permeation of these noxious elements.

In addition to this, the freshness of Fiber Fill avoids you sweat at night, which can also help the zits grow and absorb more bacteria.

This contour pillow case comes with a fast zipper to take it in and out every time you need to wash it, to keep your face and hair free of oils and debris that harm them.
Fed up with unstitching after each wash? Sure, you are, much more if you do not now how to sew a pillow cover or anything at all. However, with the Sleepersack's quick zip you do not have to worry about this arduous task: Zip and unzip and get your Contour Pillow fit in.

As you can see, things are lot better and easier with your Fiber Fill cover pillow. If you want to get this excellent product, just click on Acne Pillow cover